"Is not my word like as a fire? saith the LORD; and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces?" - Jeremiah 23:29

About This Blog

This blog was originally going to be a collage or hodgepodge of  political views, alternative health information, religious beliefs, and some other things as well. That is why the address for this blog was originally chosen as "thethoughtsofhans."

However, I realized that it would be better to divide these elements into three different blogs, which I did, perhaps sometime in September 2010 (I first began blogging in July 2010). I also shortly realized that I had a life besides blogging and should focus on one of the blog subjects. The choice was obvious.

While Politics and Health affect us in this life, their consequences are not so dire. If we vote for the wrong political party, or fail to take care of our selves quite as well as we should...that will not damn us to Hell.

However, if we neglect True religion (James 1:26-27, Ephesians 2:8, John 14:6) we will miss many blessings in this life and suffer the consequences after we die in the flesh and then are judged. And no man, apart from the blood of Christ can dare to hope for anything other than eternal damnation as the wrath of God abides upon them (John 3:36).

I would now like to change the blog address to something other than "thethoughtsofhans," something not so vain sounding, but I have not because of all the links on the web that would then no longer be working. I want people to continue to be able to find this blog if it is a blessing to them or a witness against them. While this blog is written for others to read, it really is written just as much for myself. It serves as a way to organize my thoughts and as a reference for myself when one of the subjects I wrote on is discussed. Then I am able to have a reference of Biblical evidence already written out. Then I am prepared to give an answer.

As you may know my Politics blog no longer exists you can find out why by clicking Here. My Health blog still exists, but there is not much there. It could be summed up as "eat real food (not factory farmed or processed, or overcooked), use real medicine (herbs), get regular exercise, avoid toxic chemicals (which are hidden in so many foods and objects), and fast sometimes."

I realize full well the many controversial subjects and statements written on this blog. I make no apology for the truth of the Holy Scriptures. It is my desire that the truth only be written here on this blog. The purpose of mankind is to bring Glory to God's most Holy Name. As we recognize, personally believe this and live accordingly we will be blessed. We cannot ultimately bring Glory to His Name unless we Believe and Obey his will for us as it is revealed in the Holy Scriptures. It is very sad that the "Church" today knows so little about the Scriptures, and so little about "Church" history and the beliefs it has espoused in the past.

The Truth is the Truth regardless of who believes it. The Truths the scriptures teach have not changed. We must ask "Is what the "Church" teaches now the Truth, or was what the "Church" thought in the past at some point the Truth. Either they were wrong, or we are wrong. We are not better and more educated now than we were in the past. We cannot assume we are correct. We must search the scriptures with an open mind discovering, verifying, and proving what God has ordained. May God Help us for the Sake of His Most Holy Name.

There are many subjects yet that I wish to write on, and I have many notes and posts that are in various stages of being written. But alas, I am busy and time marches on. Only God knows what all will appear on this blog in the future.

Blessings to all,


 June 2011

Guess What? If this site has been a blessing or an aid and you wish to bless me in a material way you are now able to do so. See below. 


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Last Updated January 2013