"Is not my word like as a fire? saith the LORD; and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces?" - Jeremiah 23:29

Review of Chick Tracts

I believe chick tracts (created by Jack Chick) are a great way to share the gospel and other christian teachings.


Because many people who would never read a book or a regular track seem to find theses little comic books to be irresistible.

I ordered their tract assortment pack and knowing I'd be giving these out, I had to know what they were about. I had to see if they taught anything unbiblical, and which tracts are appropriate for which people and so on.

So on this page I will be posting my review of some of the chick tracts I have read.

First, Some of the Best
The Fool
Charlie's Ants
The Choice

Back From The Dead
The Assignment
The Execution
Flight 144
The Contract
Hi There
The Missing Day - Thanksgiving
Why Is Mary Crying- especially for Roman Catholics
Last Rites - especially for Roman Catholics
The Death Cookie - especially for Roman Catholics
Is Allah like you - for Muslims
The Visitors - especially for Mormons
Cleo - especially for people who like animals
Bewitched - for witches and people who read books or watch television programs about witches and the like (and for people who use drugs)

Second, The Ones To Avoid - why? - Because these teach the pretribulation rapture - which is unbiblical 
Things To Come
Were Did They Go
The Beast