The other day I went to a greenhouse to buy a sage plant. After searching through the herb section of the green house I was disappointed as I did not find any sage. As I was leaving I passed by a table of plants with a big sign reading “Free.” I thought I might as well take a look at what was there. I shortly realized that most of the plants on the “free” table were in fact sage. Just what I was looking for! I looked over them; they were dry, unhealthy and all but dead. Then my eyes saw one that had moist soil, it was green, alive and healthy, even with some pretty purple flowers. I could not believe the best plant there was free! I looked at that plant on the table and at the “free” sign, and then I happily took that free sage plant home to my garden.
The second day thence it occurred to me: This could be a parable.
The plants represent the things people fill their lives with. The herbs represent the things we are looking for. The sage plants represent religions. My eyes represent the Holy Spirit, as it is only through the Holy Spirit that we can tell true religion from false. The Sage plant that was alive represents true Christianity. Christianity being the only religion that leads to life.
This is just how we are. We look for things to fill our lives to bring us happiness. But we waste time looking because we look for the wrong things. The best thing, and the only thing that can fill us and make us whole (Col 2:10) is FREE (at the same time we must count the cost see Luke 14:25-34). Let us not overlook God’s free gift. That free gift of Grace by Faith - Faith in Jesus Christ. (Eph. 2:8, Gal 2:16)
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