"Is not my word like as a fire? saith the LORD; and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces?" - Jeremiah 23:29

Sunday, March 4, 2012

A Present Danger: A Worldly Hope

If one pays much attention to the news today in the United States, they cannot miss the ongoing Republican primaries; which in some ways are quite interesting. One after another the self proclaimed conservatives are rising in popularity to "frontrunner" status only to fall down before Mitt Romney, the moderate. I forget the exact order now, and it is not worth researching. But I can clearly remember that in the very beginning Michele Bachmann was leading among the conservatives (the "conservatives" among these contenders for the republican nomination are essentially everyone besides Romney). For a while we saw Herman Cain grow in popularity, for a while it was Rick Perry. As of late Newt Gingrich seemed to be a real threat to Romney. Then Rick Santorum was in the spotlight, where many never thought he would be. Things may change again, and they will, but it appears Romney continues to hold his position as the established frontrunner in this contest. It only makes sense that he will get the nomination, seeing as he has more money than anyone else.

After their fall to Romney and the other conservatives we are at present down to four individuals, one of which will likely be the Republican nominee to run against Barack Obama in the upcoming general election. Some of you may be wondering why I have written on some political subjects here, you may also be wondering where it is I am going. The title gives a good summery, but there are a number of places I'm going and points I plan to make.

Let us briefly examine the four remaining contestants for the republican nomination.

First, there is Rick Santorum. Much good could be said about his opinions on various subjects. But it cannot be ignored that he is a political hypocrite and a member of an antichrist religion. That religion which masquerades as Christian, but is in fact an unbiblical, God forbidden mixture of Babylonian falsehoods. A religion which has left her first love (Christ) and gone a whoring after strange flesh, all the while maintaining in the sight of the blinded world its innocence. This is exactly what the Jewish people have done in time past (Deuteronomy 31:16).

Second, Newt Gingrich, who, is not only a political hypocrite, but a religious hypocrite as well. Not to mention the fact that he belongs to the same false religion as Mr. Santorum. "Whosoever shall put away his wife, and marry another, committeth adultery against her. And if a woman shall put away her husband, and be married to another, she committeth adultery." – Mark 10:11-12, Luke 16:18, Matthew 5:32 This could be a post in an of itself. A lot of Pastors today join in matrimony and attempt to legitimately establish relationships between adulterers and adulteresses. These Pastors would do better if they were less brazen than to dare to call holy what God has called unholy.

Third, we have Mitt Romney, who may owe some of his success to having less of a voting record; which gives him less chance to be found guilty of political hypocrisy. He may make conservative claims, and even say that we need to cut government spending, but if you view his past performance to predict his future actions, then it appears he is merely saying what he thinks people want to hear. It is known that Romney is a Mormon, that is, a member of what is called "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints." The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, is like Jehovah's Witnesses, a misnomer. Also, much like Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons are also antichrists, because, like them, they deny Biblical teachings, including who Jesus Christ is (the Trinity/Godhead). The Mormons have many unbiblical beliefs, which we will not go into now, but the notation of some facts comparing their similarities with other false religions will continue.

Mormonism is in any ways like the false religion of Islam. Both Islam and Mormonism were begun by a false prophet. Both false prophets (Joseph Smith of Mormonism and Mohammad of Islam) introduced (or were attributed with introducing) "new holy scriptures" either in addition to (Mormonism) or as standalone holy scriptures (Islam). Both of the founders of these false religions had numerous wives, and as a consequence, numerous children. Perhaps both were merely trying to multiply their newly invented religion as quickly as possible; perhaps more likely, they were hedonists of the first class. Both of these false religions teach many good, moral, and even godly ideals and principles (especially if you ignore the lives of their founders). But they both also teach just enough lies to sufficiently damn their adherents to everlasting judgment. This of course is the Devils design, just enough goodness to appear true, while lacking that which is necessary for salvation; the perfect plan for counterfeit religions capable of deceiving, enslaving, and damning a multitude of souls. This should make us weep.

Fourth, is Ron Paul. He is the only conservative who is not obviously a political hypocrite. He is the only one of these four, who is purportedly a Christian and is not a member of an antichrist religion. Pertinently, he is the one who is perhaps most likely, if elected president, to save our country from the financial destruction, which is coming upon us as the just cause of our moral and spiritual failings. He is the only one of these four who is able to think clearly enough to not only realize what is wrong with the situation our country is in, but how to fix it. He is the only one who conducts himself based on principles, who is open minded enough not to be completely blinded by the political games which corrupt so many. He is the only one who can see the drastic cuts to the size and funding of government and government programs, which must take place if we are to avoid catastrophic financial ruin. Further, he is the only one who is actually qualified for the presidency, based on the fact that he is the only one who would not be lying were he to take the pledge of allegiance to the constitution, which the president takes prior to entering office. He is the only one whom the founding fathers of this nation would perhaps not be ashamed.

But before we place false hope in a political system let us examine some things which cannot wisely be ignored. To pledge or affirm allegiance to the constitution of the United States necessarily denies Christ, and Christian teaching. One cannot serve two masters, and to put the constitution first in political matters denies Christ in the political realm. Matthew 6:24 As I have heard said before; Christ is Lord of all, or he is not Lord at all. Ron Paul understands what pledging allegiance to the constitution means. He has already denied Christ, essentially saying that his Christianity affects how he deals with people, and his personal life, but that it would not affect his decisions as president.

The only political system or kingdom to which biblical Christians belong is the Kingdom ruled by Christ. This kingdom began, and has endured among men since the time of Christ's coming. Isaiah 9:7, Luke 1:33, Luke 17:21, Romans 14:17 But it will not, and cannot manifest itself as an earthy kingdom until Christ returns in the flesh and rules it himself, with his saints.

Next we look at the founding fathers of the United States of America. Was the Revolution not fought to overthrow the reign of British tyranny upon the American people? What Biblical Christian principle did those early Americans use to justify the shedding of blood for the sake of a new earthly kingdom? How does killing men, who are created in the image of God, spread the Christian faith and serve as an example to unbelievers? Genesis 9:6, Philippians 2:14-15 How is it that so many seem impressed by the "Christianity" of the early American founders, when in reality, it is quite clear that they did what they did partially for their personal gain and for the ideals of liberty and independence, which, while unquestionably American, are not necessarily Christian. The strong "christian culture" which existed in early America was a positive force affecting society toward a form of godliness. However, a mere "christian culture," while good for the orderly functioning of society, is not necessary a means of salvation to those who are part of it. More dangerously, it convinces some that they are saved, even when they are far from God, because they foolishly compare themselves to other professing Christians; rather than the eternal standard which is God's word. 2 Corinthians 10:12 Consider all those who attend church regularly for years, but who never yield good fruit, or who refuse to give up their sacred cows (idols) and are thereby prevented from entering the Kingdom of God. 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, Revelation 21:8

In fact, in the American culture freedom and independence are often elevated to the status of a virtue. Biblically, freedom and independence are limited within the scope of the responsibility incurred by moral obligations. Freedom and independence can be invoked for either good or evil purposes and are, therefore not necessarily something which should be valued in a truly Christian society. Often they are nothing more than excuses of willfulness, selfishness, and generally loose living. In truth, aside from the bonds of Christian morality, freedom and independence are the tools of the devil and the wings by which sinners fly.

America fought for and obtained its freedom, for the most part, simply to avoid paying taxes. They gained this freedom through killing. The Declaration of Independence could only be signed due to supposed "Christians" who violated an express command of Christ, in order that they would be free to violate another. The command to love, and not kill, and the command to pay taxes. Matthew 5:21-48, Matthew 5:44, Mark 12:14-17. Perhaps they loved their high living more than Christ.

Today, patriotism continues among "Christians" because of the love of the world which dwells in their hearts. 1 John 2:15-17 Strangers and pilgrims they are not. Hebrews 11:13-16, 1 Peter 2:11-12 By their actions they are not followers of Christ, for they do not follow his example nor his words. Preoccupation with politics and hopes that a new leader or government will right the wrongs in society is not only folly, but idolatry, unbelief, and an aid to the devil and his workings.

Christians are to honor and pray for the government in the land where they dwell. They are not to mock the authority over them. It is one thing to state the facts, which is just criticism, it is another thing to mock and make fun in an inappropriate manner. 1 Timothy 2:1-3, Ecclesiastes 10:20, Romans 13:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13

As America and all earthly nations are antichrists in one way or another, is it any wonder that we are ruled by leaders who are antichrists? 2 Corinthians 4:4, 1 John 4:3, Luke 4:5-7 The only Kingdom which can be anything other than antichrist, is a theocracy ruled by Christ himself. The Pope who labels himself as "Vicar of Christ" is not a legitimate substitute.

Christians rejoice! For your citizenship is in heaven, and your redemption draweth nigh! Philippians 3:20, Luke 21:28.

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